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Saturday, August 22, 2009

gallery T-Mobile's TouchPro 2

gallery T-Mobile's TouchPro 2

Well, you'll see that? With only five days before going to the T-Mobile became the first operator here in the States to offer top-of HTC Touch Windows Mobile equipped Pro2, it seems the handset has found its way under the undiscriminating camera. There are also two pictures in the gallery or that portrays the tilting / sliding handset with a Samsung Indeed, so be sure to give 'em all look like you are looking for spare pennies in the run-up to August 12. Oh, the talk, we also have got reason to believe that he will launch a contract for $ 299 and $ 599 with no strings attached, so we hope you well with the large premium.

gallery under the sea the largest hotel dubai

gallery under the sea the largest hotel dubai

Another "miracle" that will be made by the country dubai, because Dubai is planning to build will be in the hotel with the name and the Hydropolis will have 220 rooms are shaped like bubbles. At the bottom of the hotel will be a tunnel with
515 meters long that can take passengers to view
the beauty beneath the sea with the train automatically.
so that the visitors can really enjoy the atmosphere of nature in the sea. the existence of this hotel will make the country proud dubai, because the hotel is similar to the giant aquarium is the only hotel in the wake of the largest in the sea. The hotel is planned to be completed by the end of the year 2009 and will "swallow up" the cost of about U.S. $ 600 million. If you plan to "try" atmosphere of the hotel under the sea is, prepare your money at least us $ 5000 a night (sorry, it's not one month).

Friday, August 21, 2009

gallery table in the car

gallery table in the car

over the growth period and the need for human transportation has reached the point on the needs that are driving the demand for it. but it needs more than just transportation has occurred in this period. many people who often travel so far to travel from the comfort of them. one needs is the table that can be enabled as a tool to put all the needs required to make in the comfort of their trip. displayed image is one of the gallery that were presented on the web Bbs pthc gallery, for pictures that show this is the result of the creative interior design for the car suddenly needs and practical for every car driver. This table can be folded, so it does not reduce the beauty of the car interior. for those of you who want to get comfortable in the drive can see this on the web gallery pthc Bbs gallery, you will get a more complete link.
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