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Saturday, October 3, 2009

pthc bbs gallery, the gallery's unique animated film frog

pthc bbs gallery, the gallery's unique animated film frog

pthc bbs gallery display animated cartoon frog who is doing the game with a theme. will you see the greatness of this film-maker scenario. though very short film contains much beauty to be found.

Friday, October 2, 2009

pthc bbs gallery gallery-flying fish

pthc bbs gallery gallery-flying fish

Ever seen a fish fly? now look at pthc bbs gallery, pthc bbs gallery for displaying now flying fish, this fish is not just jumping out of the water surface but also capable of flying up to 200 meters distance together even able to fly in formation as far as 400 meters.
Flying fish using aerodynamic body to penetrate the surface of the water at high speed and large fins and a strange functions like wings to keep it floating above the sea breeze. Flying fish is not actually flying animals, like birds, but it just floated. Flying fish can easily cover the distance up to 200 meters or more and can reach high enough to - accidentally trapped in the deck-deck ship. The first reason the flying fish that have 40 or more species that are flying under the action of running away or escape from predators such as marine fish mackerel, tuna, swordfish and marlin. However these fish are also wary of the threat of bird beak above it, in addition to these fish are also being hunted by fishermen in Japan and Barbados to be consumed. The mechanism of how these fish can fly, too simple. Initially they will be accelerated in the water until it reaches the speed of 70 km / h assisted by flapping their tails. Once they jumped in the water, fins, fins will develop and use wind to gain altitude. Sometimes they slapped his tail to keep the high jump and change direction. In some species of flying fish wings on the chest also assisted in the rear wing, so that the four-winged species are more powerful maneuvers in the air. Although not much flying ability, can do flying fish fly together, with a unique formation to travel up to 400 meters.

pthc bbs gallery-Fountain of Wealth

pthc bbs gallery-Fountain of Wealth

pthc bbs gallery galleri now show the fountain-named Fountain of Wealth is the fountain located in the basement of the largest shopping malls in Singapore Suntec City and is famous for is the largest fountain in the world. Symbol of wealth and life, its design is based on the Hindu mandala, and is a symbolic representation of spiritual unity, unity and harmony among the four races in Singapore. Made of bronze, and consists of a circle with 66 meters long, which is assisted by four large pillars. Occupied area 1683 meters (5521 ft), with a height of 13.8m (45.2 ft). The fountain reaches a height of 30 meters.
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